- Adams School
- Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a communication app for the classroom. It connects teachers and parents who use it to share photos, videos, and messages through the school day. They use ClassDojo to work together as a team, share in the classroom experience, and bring big ideas to life in their classrooms and homes. It is also a behavior management program. The program is based on points, and students can be given positive points for:
- Having a clean work area
- Receiving a compliment from other staff/teachers
- Following instructions
- Helping others
- Completing assigned homework
- Leadership skills
- Making good choices
- Being on task
- Persistence
- Teamwork
- Working hard and
- Working quietly
Students may receive negative points for:
- Cheating
- Being disrespectful
- Disrupting others
- Inappropriate language
- Misuse of bathroom
- Misuse of technology
- Not having homework
- Not following directions/rules
- Being off task
Positive Behavior Incentives
- Dojo Incentives - Students may “cash in” their Dojo points every other week for various prizes or coupons.
- Monthly Behavior Parties - Students who do not have any Office Referrals and have kept positive points each day are eligible for a monthly behavior celebration.
- Positive behavior for quarter - School wide PBIS Celebrations