photo of the nonfiction book shelves
  • With almost 10,000 print titles available, the Longfellow Library/Media Center provides students with a wide array of fiction and nonfiction books for checkout during weekly class visits. Our collection supports the elementary curriculum, while providing students with reading materials of interest to them. Reference materials are also available for research purposes.

    During a 40 minute library visit every week, literature is explored and enjoyed, library and research skills are introduced and reinforced, and books are checked out. Students are introduced to our state-of-the-art web based Destiny library management program. Students can link to the internet via school or home to explore our collection.

    Aside from resources available for children, we also have materials exclusively for teacher use: DVD's, videos, models, oversized books, a digital camera, calculators, incubators and other items are available for faculty to access in support of their curriculum.



photo of primary fiction book shelves