- Longfellow Elementary School
- Welcome To Kindergarten
Mrs. Howell - Kindergarten
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Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Howell
Welcome to the wonderful world of kindergarten!!!
My name is Malea Howell and this will be my 10th year teaching kindergarten. As a former student of Longfellow, it is a joy to return as an educator many years later. Longfellow is a small, yet charming school where everyone is considered family.
I do have a family of own. My husband and I welcomed our daughter in December of 2015 and son in October of 2020. We are active members within our church family, love rooting on the Cubs, spending time with our families, and traveling to the beach. My most recent adventure includes obtaining a master's degree as a reading specialist! My love of learning has never gone away, and I hope to instill a passion for growth in all my students.