• Accelerated Reader

  • The Accelerated Reader Program (commonly referred to as A.R) is an online reading comprehension quiz program designed to encourage srudnets to read and improve their reading skills.  Students in grades in the first through the fifth grades can access AR from any computer in our school or their chromebook.  Students are allowed to take quizes on any book within their reading level;  the books can be from home, our school library or the public library.  Since AR has is an internet based program, a large variety of quizzes are available for students to take on the books that they read.  Once the student completes his or her test, they will find out immediately the percentage correct that they achieved and the points awarded for taking the quiz.  The points are created by the company;  determined by the reading level, the number of words as well as the vocabulary in the book. 

    To verify if there is a quiz on a book use the following link:  arbookfind  .

    To take an Acceleratee Reader quiz click here.


    If you have any problems finding a book or logging into the AR program please contact Mrs. Reed, jreed@marionunit2.org.