• Virtual Backpack Guidelines 


    • Individuals/Groups wishing to submit information to be posted on this Virtual Backpack site must email required information to backpack@marionunit2.org and attaching a PDF image of the flyer at least 10 days in advance of the desired posting date.
    • Requests must include the following required information:
      1. Name (First & Last)
      2. Company/Organization
      3. Email Address
      4. Phone Number/Fax Number
      5. Flyer Title
      6. Posting Date Range (Post flyer to/from dates)
      7. Attach flyer in a PDF format.
    • Flyers shall not require non-participants to collect monies, distribute information, answer inquiries, etc.  Organizations are limited to one posting a month with a two-month limit for any one posting.  
    • Approved postings will be updated on an approximately weekly basis.
    • Only district club/organizations and approved community non-profit organizations, governments, and businesses with a direct partnership with Marion CUSD 2 will be allowed to have materials posted on the Virtual Backpack site.
    • Distribution of materials for commercial business or organizations not involved as school/district partner will not be permitted. 
    • All activities or information must be appropriate for students.  Activities should relate to a school function, event or purpose, or relate to an agency that offers widely appealing recreational program options for students.
    • Application should be made 10 days prior to the distribution date and one electronic copy of the proposed flyer must accompany the request for distribution.  
    • Materials are posted for information purpose only. Posting does not imply district endorsement.
    • Select SUBSCRIBE button located at the bottom of the previous webpage to receive notice when the backpack has been updated.