• E-Rate Form 470

    Vendor FAQ

    Funding Year 2025

    This page was created for vendors responding to any recently filed Form 470(s). 

    If you have further questions not answered above or on the Form 470 itself, please send an email to Jerry Stanley, Director of Technology, at jstanley@marionunit2.org.

    Tell us about the school district:

    Marion Unit #2 is located in Marion, IL – 125 miles southeast of St. Louis, 320 miles south of Chicago.

    The district is comprised of 5 elementary schools (4 – K-5 and 1 – K-8), one Jr. High, one High School and a central administration office.

    Enrollment fluctuates slightly from year to year (and during the year) but the current year’s fall enrollment count was approximately 3800 students.

    Please describe your current Internet connectivity.

    Currently we have 2 Internet connections.  2 - 1GB fiber connections.  All  7 buildings  and the district office are connected by 1GB fiber connections with a multi-point to point network thru Delta/Clearwave Communications/Cable One.  Our contract runs through June 30, 2025.


    Describe your current website and/or email hosting environment.

    We currently use the Google email system for district employees. We also  offer student email accounts through Google.  Our archiving service is handled through Google Vault.

    We have a full 1:1 environment from Kindergarten thru 12th grade.  We use chromebooks and our wireless system is Ruckus.

    Adams/Creal Springs, Lincoln, Longfellow, Washington, Jefferson, Jr. High, High School  and our District Office are using Ruckus Cloud based WIFI.
    We are in year 3 of a 5 year contract.

    Additional Information:

    Sonic Walls

    NSA 5600       COEAE4B1DF9C  Marion High School

    NSA 5650       2CB8ED1DFD80  Marion Jr. High School



    Thank you for your interest in Marion Unit #2.