Behavior Management Plan

    • Show respect to all students.
    • Have great expectations for classroom behavior and reinforce it in a positive way.
    • Always let students know what is expected of them.
    • Always maintain a calm manner and tone even in the most difficult situations.
    • Clearly explain classroom rules and procedures. We spend a lot of time at the beginning of the year explaining rules and discussing classroom procedures so that students clearly understand how to do things and what is expected.  There are no surprises in our room.
    • Be consistent, fair, and firm. Students thrive on consistency and routine.
    • Establish and maintain teacher/parent communication throughout the school year.

               Positive reinforcement will be used in all situations.  As often as possible, I will reward students with verbal praise, a pat on the back, or a small token such as a sticker, pencil, etc.  to recognize students that are on task and following directions and to redirect those that are not. 

                If the above plan fails, students will have consequences for negative, disruptive behavior.  This may consist of, but not limited to, talking out, disturbing others, failing to turn in homework, etc.  Students are first given a verbal warning to try and correct the problem on their own.  After that has been tried students will lose their recess breaks, parents may need to be contacted or the principal may become involved.  I will make every effort to handle situations here at school, in the classroom, but sometimes parental involvement may be necessary.

    Classroom Behavior Matrix