- Washington Elementary School
- Christy Johnson
- Mrs. Johnson
First Grade
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The best recipe for a successful school year is for children to see their teacher and parents as a united team, working towards one ultimate goal. Find all of the important information that you need to know about our classroom by clicking here.
Our classroom color is GREEN!
Over the years I have found it helpful to stick to a general Homework plan. Students will have a small amount of Reading and Math homework each night. Students are required to turn the completed homework in the next morning. If a students is absent, a parent may request homework to be picked up in the office after school. All make-up work is expected to be finished and returned in a timely manners as well. If your child should forget a piece of homework at school, there are links under the GoMath and Wonders section on this website. Students can find their Math pages and Reading stories there. However, there are no links to the Wildcat Time books on Wednesdays.
Monday: Story from the Wonders Reading and Writing Workshop book-Reading buddy filled out and signed- and Math
Tuesday: Wonders Leveled Reader-Baggy book slip signed- and Math
Wednesday: Wildcat Time book-Baggy book slip signed- and Math
Thursday: Story from the Wonders Literature Anthology book-Reading buddy filled out and signed- and Math
Grades and attendance are recorded through Information Now. I try to keep them updated daily. Parents may request access by filling out the form here. You will only need to do this once, as the User Name and Password will be good as long as your child is a student in the Marion Unit 2 School District. If you've already completed this form in the past, then you do not need to do it again.
Grade Scale
100-85 S-Satisfactory
84-70 N-Needs Improvement
69 and below U-Unsatisfactory